"Welcome" Purepecha culture meet a man!

the culture tarasca or purepecha is the culture precolumbian of mexico that started in the region of the estate of Michoacan. The culture began aproximated in the year of 1200 d.C splendor and ended around 1600. His government was monarchical and theocratic. Like most of the Hispanic cultures, were polytheists. The adjective "Tarascan" is an eponym considered derogatory by the modern descendants of the people who formed this culture, who call themselves P'urhépechas.

funfamental culture for conquest?

is called fundamental culture since this was a intersesora of Hernan Cortez against the Aztecs this town was known for its ability to the Spanish war based these people managed to conquer the Aztecs without it perhaps would have never achieved that is why so we will call a warrior culture domanda never even by the Aztecs.

geographical location:

The Purepecha are an indigenous people who live primarily in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, who were known as the michoacas or Michoacan in Nahuatl etymology, as inhabitants of Michhuacan (instead of fish), and also lived in the states of Guanajuato and Guerrero, Mexico. Currently there are groups that have migrated purépechas and settled in other states of Mexico and Jalisco, Guanajuato, Guerrero, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Colima and Baja California and in the United States or other neighboring countries such as Canada and Greenland where it engaged in fishing activities. The core activities of most purépechas are agriculture, livestock, pottery, fishing and making various crafts and costumes of their culture.

cities and their most important gods:


holy city: patzcuaro "where black stains"
power center: Patzcuaro, coyucan, Ihuatzio Tzintzuntzan
purepecha cradle: Zacapu



The Tarascans were polytheists, their chief god was Curicaveri (which arises from the fire), but also was the chief deity of collectors, hunters and war. Also noteworthy:
Curicaueri (the Great Fire): God of fire. It is considered the oldest deity Tarascan.
Cuerauáperi or Kuerajperi: Untier the wind is Curicaueri wife, represents the Moon, is both mother and father of all gods. Deity related to the earth and the rain, it was regarded as the producer of the clouds, the four deities helped them, they were his daughters: Red Cloud, White Cloud, Cloud Cloud Yellow and Black.
Xaratanga: The one in all and various parts, is an invocation of the Moon or Cuerauáperi, lady or mother moon or new moon.
Pehuame: The parturient is another invocation of the Moon Cuerauáperi or mother. Is the deity of childbirth and wife of Sun's main center of worship was in Tzacapu.
Nana Cutzi: The mother bent over the Tarascan or Purepecha currently still using the name to refer to the moon.
Tata Jurhiata: Father sun, now name the natives give Michoacan sun as the natural and not deity.
economy, food and lifestyle::


their main income was agriculture and food gathering Besides hunting and fishing highlighting especially since living near lakes and islands in them were able to develop and prepare different types of meals bariadas (soups, fish, shellfish and farm animals)
they had a very varied lifestyle orque some other collectors were fishermen, farmers, the clergy, governors, etc..


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has created the page in English Purepecha culture

21.11.2012 21:04

se ha creado el website sobre la cultura purepecha en español

21.11.2012 20:22